Yogatropic: live after 2.5 years of dreaming

In the fall of 2009 I bought the domain name, with only a vague dream that someday I’d find a way to combine my two passions: web design and yoga.

Throughout my life, there have been several moments when I’ve felt compelled to make bold, risky, and — from an outside perspective, perhaps, wacky — choices. Somehow, in each of these situations I knew that any discomfort and challenge would pay off twofold if I could just suck it up and push myself. And so, I went to film school. And then I moved to London all by myself with no job or place to live. And later I traveled and lived in Maine, Texas, and New York City — still following this crazy feeling inside. It was that same “I don’t know why but I just have to” calling that convinced me to start building Yogatropic, and the exact same feeling that brought me to yoga teacher training only a few months later.

Vrksasana - tree pose over the Great Smoky Mountains

Retrospect is fantastic, because now I can see a pattern: following my heart has led me on the most amazing and soul-shaping adventures of my life! The “crazy voice” that led me to leap — even when the landing gear wasn’t deployed — was the voice of my deeper Self, or intuition, or God, depending on what you like to call it. And there’s something truly freeing and exhilarating about the idea of always having the right answer, always knowing the right direction, somewhere inside — even if you can’t see the full picture yet.

So with that sense of fearlessness, a little bit of self-reassurance, and a whole lot of hard work, I’m finally launching two-and-a-half years of dreaming into the world with Yogatropic, a tiny seed that I hope will grow into my blooming, towering contribution to make this world a better place. No matter what, I’m certainly ready for the ride!

Please share your comments below or feel free to contact me directly with your thoughts! This project is just as much for you as it is for me.

Raeanne Wright, CYT

Raeanne Wright

Founder • Yoga Teacher, Web Designer

Raeanne Wright is the owner and creator of Yogatropic. A yoga instructor, web designer, and writer, she is happy to share her yoga musings, life lessons, and discoveries so that others may find a little peace and joy in their day.

  1. Hi Sweetie! Congratulations on your beautiful site! Ya never know, I may still get down on a mat someday!! Sending hugs and love !! <3

  2. So proud of you Raeanne! YOU are an inspiration to me. I am so happy to be your friend, to have you as my teacher, and to be blessed with your compassionate wisdom and warm smile.
    Big hugs!

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"Living a yogatrōpic life means orienting yourself toward the practice, and letting it shift, shape, and inspire you to be your best self."

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