
-trōpic (troh-pick)
a combining form meaning “turned toward, with an orientation toward” that is specified by the initial element (ex. geotropic); or, “having an affinity for, affecting” what is specified (lipotropic; neurotropic; psychotropic).


Welcome to yt!

We are a site devoted to exploring yoga, health, well-being, mindfulness, sustainable living, social justice, and a whole bunch of other stuff. We are loosely based in New York’s Hudson Valley, the land of the rolling pasture, the artisanal food truck, and the hidden gem yoga studio.

Our vision is to foster a community of mindful folk who use the site to share ideas, to make each other think and laugh, to inspire and be inspired, and to make the most out of life in the valley and beyond. We do this by featuring the work of local writers, sharing our thoughts on living the mindful life, and spotlighting local people, businesses, and initiatives.

Please check us out often, tell your friends, and maybe even write for us.

On behalf of the YT community, welcome—it’s really nice to have you.

“Living a yogatrōpic life means orienting yourself toward the practice, and letting it shift, shape, and inspire you to be your best self.”

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What does Yogatrōpic mean?

“Anyone that has practiced vrksasana (tree pose) or natarajasana (Lord of the Dance pose) knows the importance of a drshti, or gazing point, to maintain balance on one foot. Without a steady focal point for the eyes, we feel off-center, vulnerable. On a grander scale, I’ve learned that the same is true in life. For me, yoga has been the lodestar leading me in the right direction and cultivating a sense of deep focus and clarity in action. As I’ve questioned my path, felt stuck, or come upon emotional challenges, it’s my practice that has been my solid ground, helping me to see through the clutter and march onward.

“Living a yogatrōpic life means orienting yourself toward the practice, and letting it shift, shape, and inspire you to be your best self. My first teacher used to remind my fellow students and me that yoga is a lifelong journey, and there is always another layer to uncover—another place to go. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a sponge for experience, always looking for new and interesting ways to soak up knowledge and live more fully. It’s a sense of adventure and discovery that continues to fuel my practice and drives me to share it with others. Yogatrōpic is the bubbling epicenter of my passion and excitement for yoga. It’s where my practice meets yours, and where we can share and push each other to grow as yogis and good citizens of the planet.”

~ Raeanne Wright, YT Founder


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